In 1971 Camosun College opened its doors to 980 + students. Greeting them were 59 instructors.
In 1996, Camosun had over 7,000 credit and more than 12,000 non credit students. Still around to help were 27 of the original instructors. I personally thought this to be sociologically significant. I was struck by their service, especially when I compared it to my own life where a long career meant staying in a job for 6 months.
At the time, it seemed like nobody was giving this service much notice. I decided the least I could do was to photograph these 27 individuals. I arranged to visit them all in their offices, labs and classrooms during the Christmas exam period over a 2 week period.
My initial intention was to mount an exhibition of photographs, but I encountered that typical obstacle, money. Mounting, matting and framing 54 photographs was beyond my means, so I put the project on hold.
Digital technology, in these intervening 10 years, has made some striking advances in imaging and reproduction. One developement is the, Print-On-Demand publishing option, which allows printing small quantities of books, as required, from one to several hundred. The nature of this project fits quite nicely into this concept.
Publishing a small edition book meets the requirements of the original intent of the project; acknowledging and recognizing the instructors years of service, and does it in a compact and more readily accessible form. The book is available from Amazon.
Camosun College is located in Victoria at the southern tip of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.